露出!〈素人自撮り〉大学2年! エレベーター前で全裸ディルドオナニーしたら2回も人が来てもう大慌て!!!全裸でいるところ見つかっても不思議じゃないくらい運よくギリギリセーフ?でした、、

最近また露出の虫が半端なく騒ぎ出しちゃって、今回はもう半端なくヤバい全裸露出してきちゃいました(><) 奇跡的にバレなかったけど、運が良かっただけで本当に全裸見られてもおかしくないくらいで、凄く興奮できる動画だと思います、未だにその時の興奮が止まりません、、 場所はエレベーター前なんですけど、そこは駐車場の出入り口でもあって、あんまり人が来ないような感じだったので大胆にオナニーしてたらカップルがきたり男の人か来たりでヤバかったです(><) 最初にカメラに向かって「エレベーター前でオナニーします」と言ってから、長椅子に座って足を広げてみたら既にディルドが刺さってます(/ω\) 実は長めのジャンパーを着ててその中身は全裸で、おまんこにディルドだけ入れていました、、 立ち上がってジャンパーのチャックを下ろして全裸を披露して、また長椅子に座ってジャンパーを脱いでディルドをおまんこに出し入れします、、 おまんこからはクチュクチュ音が出て、「気持ちいい」ってつぶやきながらジャンパーを全部脱いで椅子の上に、、これで人が来たら見られちゃいます(><) ハァハァ声出して、気持ちよくなって、イきそうになって「見ちゃダメ」(イくとこ)っていいながらイっちゃいます、、 実はえれながいつもオナニーの時に想像しているんですけど、イくとこ見られるのが恥ずかしすぎて、イくときに「見ちゃダメ!!」って言いながら、イくの見られちゃうシチュエーションが好きで、イくの抑えられない恥ずかしさがまた興奮しちゃうので、今後は「見ちゃダメ!」って言いながらオナニーすることが多くなると思います(/ω\) そんな感じでイった後に、今度はカメラにお尻を向けてディルドを出し入れして、すぐにまたイっちゃいます、、 気持ち良すぎて何度も「気持ちいい、気持ちいい」って声出してお尻突き出して、途中しゃがみこむようにお尻の穴丸出しにしながら結構大きい声で喘いでいて「イっくぅーー!」ってイってた時に、急に扉があくような音がして慌ててジャンパーで裸を隠しました、、 でもその状態で人が来たら裸でいるのがまるわかりなんですけど、頭が真っ白になっててまずは隠さなきゃって感じで服で裸を隠しているだけなんです、、なのでこの状態でエレベーターのとこに人が来たらもうアウトで、、、 そして足音がこっちに向かってくるのを聞いて我に返って服を慌てて着て、その直後にカップルがえれなのいるスペースにきちゃって、ちょうどカメラにもその様子が映ってて、カップルの話し声も聞こえててもうドキドキな状況でした(><) 結局何をしに来たかわからなかったんですけど、すぐに出て行って駐車場の清算をしていなくなりました、、 気を取り直してまたオナニー再開です!! 今度は着ていたジャンパーを脱いで長椅子の上に置いた瞬間に自動ドアが開いて!!!! もう終わった!!!って思ったらえれなが脱ぐときにジャンパーがセンサーに触れたみたいで、、心臓止まるかと思いました(><) びっくりした後に、また服を椅子の上に置いて、今度は立ち上がって椅子から離れて全裸状態でクリをいじりながらディルドを出し入れして、「すごい濡れてる、怖いけど興奮する」って言って気持ちよくなって 「イっちゃう、気持ちいい!、イク、ヤダ見ちゃいや!見ないで!!」って言いながらイっちゃいます(/ω\) そして今度はカメラのアングルを変えて、エレベーターが映るような感じにして全裸でオナニー、、 がに股になって、ディルド出し入れして、乳首いじったりクリいじったりして、ディルドを高速に動かして「イく!!」って言いながらイって、そして今度はエレベーターのほうを向いて更にディルドを出し入れして「ヤバい!イク、イク!!」って大きい声でイっちゃいました、、、、 イってすぐにジャンパーを取りに行って、着ようと思った瞬間にエレベーターの「ピンポン!」って音が急に聞こえて必死にジャンパーを着るんですけど、カメラ映像ではエレベーターから降りてくる男性も撮影されてて、、、 とりあえず背中向けていたから裸は見られなかったけど、まだ前ははだけていて、映像で確認できるんですけど裸が確認できます、、 そして一生懸命に着てたんですけど、映像確認したらおそらくお尻は見られちゃったと思います、、 急いで着てて、お尻側が少し上にいっちゃってたので(><) 後からこの動画を見ると、オナニーしているときに物音にすごく注意していたけど、エレベーターは見てなくて、本当にオナニー見られなくて運がよかったです、、 最後もちょうど服を着ようとしているところだったからぎりぎり間に合ったけど、オナニーでイくのがあと5秒遅かったら完全にみられてました(><) スリルあって怖いけど、すごく濡れちゃって、すごく興奮して、すごく気持ちよかったです、癖になりそうだけど終わった後にはもう危険だからしないと思っちゃうんですよね(><)

それと最後に自己紹介です(^-)-☆ 2022年3月に卒業して現在は大学2年です! 家庭教師のアルバイトをしていて、男性を教えたりもしてるんですけど授業中えっちなこと考えたりしちゃってます(><) 学校では大人しい感じで、周りからは純情でえっちなこと何も知らないようなキャラにされていて、えちえちな話を振られては「えれなじゃわからないか笑」っていじられるキャラでした、、 よく家がお金持ちそうとか、もしかしてお嬢様?なんて言われることがあります。 まさかえれながこんなに淫乱で変態な子なんて誰も思ってないと思います、自分でも引くくらい変態なんです、、 お兄ちゃんの部屋にあったエッチな漫画を見てからオナニーを覚えて、その時からエッチな漫画見ながらオナニーしてました(/ω\) その頃に漫画の影響でおまんこにマーガリン塗ってワンちゃんに舐めさせてたくらいですからヤバいです、、 それとパイパンにしたら余計に性欲が強くなって、ディルドとかおもちゃで毎日のようにオナニーしちゃってます(><) ちなみにパイパンはパンツにクリが擦れて毎日のように発情して大変です、、 だからいつでもオナニーできるように性欲が上がっている時はディルドを持ち歩いたり、たまにディルドをおまんこにいれて出かけてます(/ω\) あと、えれなは早漏っていうみたいです、、 1回しかイけない人もいるそうですが、えれなはすぐにイっちゃって、しかも何度もイけるのでたくさん楽しめちゃってます^^ 性癖は露出オナニーが好きなんですけど、堂々と見せつけるんじゃなくて、人に見つかるかもしれないという状況でするのがドキドキします、、 でも見つかっちゃって恥ずかしいことをされちゃうというのもいいかもしれません(><) →妄想だけ 動画はもともと自分用に撮っていいて、それは自分で後で見てオナニーのネタにするからです…。 オナニーのやりかたも人と違っていると思うんですけど、子宮をお腹から刺激してもイけるし、アナルもイけちゃうし、お尻やクリトリスを平手で叩くだけでもイッちゃうし、クリトリスをつねり上げる感じのも好きです…。 乳首でもイケるし、、オナニーしすぎて体が開発されすぎちゃったみたいです、、 えれなのコンプレックスはおまんこのビラビラが大きく、しかも上付きなので普通に立っているだけでおまんこが丸見えなとこです、、。 それでパイパンにしちゃったので余計にモロ見えで恥ずかしいです(/ω\) あと、運動してたので胸の揺れが激しくてクーパー靭帯が切れちゃって、おっぱいが垂れ気味なとこもコンプレックスなんです、、なのでフルヌードはあまり好きではなくて、、 最後に、えれなはやらせとか演技とかは嫌いで、自分がしてみたいと思った動画しか撮りません(><) 無理なリクエストにこたえるのは義務みたいになって仕事みたいな感じがして嫌だし、それこそやらせになると思うので、素のえれなで素の反応を撮っていきたいと思っています! えれなが気持ちよくなるようにしたいことをして、それで買ってくれる人も興奮したり喜んでくれるというのが一番いいことだと思ってます! 演技までしてお金が欲しいということはないので、自分の趣味でして、性欲満たされて、興奮できて、そこそこにお金が入ればと思っているので、そんなえれなの変態なとこをそのまま撮影していきます(^-)-☆

Recently, the exposure bug has been making a lot of noise again, and this time I exposed myself in the nude, which is really bad (><). Miraculously, I didn’t get caught, but I was just lucky and could have been seen completely naked, so I think it’s a very exciting video, The place was in front of the lift, but it was also the entrance to the parking lot and not many people came there, so I was masturbating boldly and there were couples coming in and men coming in, so it was bad (><). First I said to the camera ‘I’m going to masturbate in front of the lift’, then I sat on the couch and spread my legs, and the dildo was already stuck in me. Actually, I was wearing a long jumper, the contents of which were completely naked, and I only had the dildo in my cunt,, I get up and unzip the jumper to show my nakedness, then I sit on the couch again, take off the jumper and put the dildo in and out of my cunt,, I would sit on the couch again, take off my jumper and put the dildo in and out of my cunt, making cuching noises from my cunt, mumbling ‘that feels good’, take off my jumper and put it on the chair, so if someone comes in they can see me (><). I start to huff and puff, it feels so good, I feel like coming, I say ‘don’t look’ (when I’m about to come) and I come.., Actually, Erena always imagines it when she masturbates, but she is too shy to be seen coming, so when she comes she says “Don’t look! I like the situation where I say “Don’t look!” while I come, and the embarrassment of not being able to hold back my come also excites me, so from now on I will masturbate while saying “Don’t look! I think that in the future I will masturbate more often while saying “Don’t look! After she comes like that, this time she turns her ass to the camera, puts the dildo in and out and comes again right away, She was moaning quite loudly while she was squatting down on the way, with her asshole exposed, and she was saying “I’m cumming! When I was coming, I suddenly heard a door open and I hid my nakedness with a jumper, But if someone came, it would be obvious that I was naked, but my mind was blank and I had to hide it first, so I just hid my nakedness with my clothes, Then I heard footsteps coming towards me, I came to my senses and put on my clothes in a hurry, and right after that a couple came into the space where Erena was, and the camera caught them just in time, and I could hear them talking, so it was a very exciting situation (><). In the end I didn’t know what they were up to, but they quickly left, paid for the parking and were gone, I got myself together and started masturbating again! This time I took off the jumper I was wearing and put it on the couch, the moment I did so, the automatic door opened and !!!! It’s already over! I thought that the jumper touched the sensor when Erena took it off, and I thought my heart would stop (><). After being surprised, she put her clothes on the chair again, and this time she stood up and moved away from the chair and put the dildo in and out while teasing her clit in a completely naked state, and she said “I’m so wet, I’m scared but excited” and it felt so good. ‘I’m coming, it feels so good! I’m cumming, oh no, don’t look! Don’t look at me! And then she comes, saying “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming. And now she changes the angle of the camera so that the lift can be seen, and masturbates naked, She gets on her bare thighs, puts the dildo in and out, tweaks her nipples and clit, moves the dildo fast and comes saying “I’m cumming! Then she turns towards the lift and starts sliding the dildo in and out again and says, “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” I came so loudly. 、、、、 I came and immediately went to get my jumper, and just as I was about to put it on, I heard the elevator “ding dong! I was desperate to put the jumper on, but the camera footage also showed a man coming down from the lift.., I couldn’t see him naked because his back was turned for the moment, but he still had his front open, and you can see in the video that he is naked.., And I was trying very hard to put it on, but if you check the video, you probably saw my bum.., I was in a hurry to put it on and the butt side was a little bit up. When I watched this video later, I was very careful about noises when I was masturbating, but I didn’t see the lift, so I was really lucky that they didn’t see me masturbate.., I was just in time at the end because I was just about to get dressed, but if I had masturbated 5 seconds later, I would have been totally seen (><). It was thrilling and scary, but I got very wet, very excited and it felt really good, I think it’s going to become a habit, but afterwards I think I won’t do it again because it’s too dangerous (>_<).
If you like to be naked, if you like the thrill of being discovered, if you like to feel like you’re outside and people can hear you, I recommend it!

And last but not least, I would like to introduce myself (^-)-☆. I graduated in March 2022 and am currently in my second year of university! I work part-time as a tutor, and I teach men, but I think about sexually explicit things in class (><). At school I was quiet, and everyone around me thought I was pure-hearted and didn’t know anything about sex, so when I was asked to talk about sex, they would tease me and say “Erena doesn’t understand? I am often told that I look like I have a rich family, or that I might be a young lady. I was often told that I looked like I had a rich family, or that I might be a young lady. I don’t think anyone would believe that Erena is such a lewd and perverted girl, she’s so perverted that even I’m surprised, I learnt to masturbate after seeing a naughty manga in my brother’s room, and from then on I masturbated while watching naughty manga. I was so influenced by the manga that I used to put margarine on my pussy and let my dog lick it, so it was bad, And after I got a paipan, my sexual desire became even stronger and I masturbate with dildos and toys every day (><). By the way, it’s hard for me to masturbate every day because my clitoris rubs against my trousers, So I carry a dildo with me when my libido is high so that I can masturbate whenever I want, and sometimes I go out with a dildo in my cunt. Also, it seems that Erena is a premature ejaculator, I heard that some people can only come once, but Erena comes right away and can come many times, so she enjoys it a lot. I like to masturbate in public, but it makes me nervous to do it in situations where people might find me, instead of showing it off in public, But it would also be nice to be discovered and have something embarrassing done to me (><). I take videos for myself, because I watch them later and use them as masturbation material… I think the way I masturbate is different from other people, but I can come when I stimulate my womb from my stomach, I can come in the anus, I can come just by slapping my buttocks and clitoris, and I like to pinch my clitoris…. I can also come with my nipples… I masturbate so much that my body has become over-developed.., Erena’s complex is that she has a large pussy with a large pussy slit, and because it’s superset, you can see her pussy just standing there… I’m embarrassed because I’ve had my pussy cut to the bone, so it’s even more visible. Also, because I used to exercise, my breasts sway so much that my Cooper’s ligament is torn and my boobs are drooping, which is also a complex, Lastly, Erena doesn’t like to be made to do things or act, so she only takes videos that she wants to do (>_<).
I don’t like to respond to unreasonable requests because it feels like an obligation, like it’s my job, and I think that’s what makes me do it, so I want to film Erena as she is and her reactions as she is!
I think it’s best if I do what I want to do to make Erena feel good, and if that makes the people who buy my products excited and happy, then that’s the best thing!
I don’t want to get paid for acting, so I just want to do it as my hobby, satisfy my sexual desire, get excited and get paid for it, so I will film Erena’s perverted side as it is.
I’m waiting for requests and ideas, but if Erena wants to do something, I’ll do it, so if you have something like that, please message me.
I don’t reply to messages, but I look forward to receiving various messages, and sometimes I get perverted content, but I actually get nervous and use it as masturbation material.

露出!〈素人自撮り〉大学2年! エレベーター前で全裸ディルドオナニーしたら2回も人が来てもう大慌て!!!全裸でいるところ見つかっても不思議じゃないくらい運よくギリギリセーフ?でした、、
The first time I saw her, I thought it was a good thing that she had a big dick, because she realised that I had a big dick. The most important thing is that you should be able to see the difference between the two,